


ESD Control


esd control

With wrist and foot Ware Test Station ESD Control
  • Antistatic Wrist Strap Limit :1M to 100M and less than 3.5*107Ω
  • Conductive Slipper Limit :1M to 35M and less than 3.5*107Ω




Static control production line

  • The monitoring program scans a channel(each static grounding line ) every ten seconds, and no need for personnel to record the data, data can be automatically sent back to the computer for immediate monitoring. 
  • The workstation can monitor the static value of personnel's Wrist Strap, table mats and grounding at any time.

ESD Control Warehouse

To ensures that all the electronic components and finished products are kept in a good anti-static protection environment.
  • Printec must compliance with ESD protection requirements, when receiving ESD sensitive components in the warehouse.
  • Printec have ESD control equipment system to control and monitor from ESD grounding, ESD production floor, working table to personnel ESD protection.
ESD Control Item Control Standard
Frequency Record Format Standard
Antistatic Wrist Strap <3.5*107Ω Everyday Defensive ESD Network System ANSI/ESD S1.1
Conductive Slipper <3.5*107Ω Everyday Defensive ESD Network System ANSI/ESD STM97.1

Digital ESD Grounding Testers & Monitors:
System Features:                                                                         
  • With Digital Impedance Equipment Monitor, which could able to monitor maximum 25 input line.
  • Automatically records abnormal status with date and time.
  • Provide audio and video alarms.
  • Provide automatic and manual detection operations.
  • Store complete alarm records, automatically monitor the status for 24 hours.
  • Touch screen operation is fool-proof & intrusion-proof


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