

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy :
  • Achieve business vision and goals, identify operational risks, and grasp the needs and expectations of stakeholders for environmental protection.
  • Comply with the system requirements of environmental protection laws and regulations, international and regional standards, and green product specifications.
  • Implement compliance with laws and regulations, international and regional standards.
  • Implement the mechanism to prevent environmental pollution and fulfill the responsibility of environmental protection.
  • Establish environmental performance indicators for each department and class from top to bottom.
  • Implement the mechanisms of internal communication, education promotion, and knowledge management to effectively achieve environmental performance indicators.
  • Continuously improve system processes and product quality to reduce the impact on environmental pollution.

Environmental Policy Commitment :
  1. Exactly obey government environmental regulations or the requirements of relevant groups.
  2. Effectively prevent environmental pollution, prohibit or restrict the use of hazardous substances, and save resources and consume products from development design / process / packaging to after-sales service.
  3. Continuously prevent and control the pollution and waste generation of various environmental regulations or related group regulations.


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